Media Coverage (November 2022)

Industry publication shows how Liphatech brings awareness for a good cause: Liphatech brings awareness for breast cancer – Pest Management Professional Pest Management Professional (11/16/22)

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Media Coverage (November 2022)

PMP Magazine reports on Liphatech’s co-sponsorship of the 2022 Rat Crawl at PestWorld: PMP Magazine (11/2/22)

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Media Coverage (January 2022)

PCT Magazine shares information about IGI CO2 in its new products section: PCT Online (January 2022)

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IGI CO2 Brochure

IGI CO2 is an alternative rodent control tool in the PMP’s arsenal of products. It is registered by the EPA. In order to be used as a pesticide to control rodents, CO2 must be registered by the EPA.


Media Coverage (September 2021)

See how industry publications covered the start of Liphatech’s IGI CO2 journey: PMP Magazine (09/27/2021)

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Media Coverage (September 2021)

See how industry publications covered the start of Liphatech’s IGI CO2 journey: PCT Online (9/27/2021)

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