John Murphy Available to Share His Technical Expertise Nationwide (July 2018)

In an ongoing effort to focus on product innovation, research and development, customer service, and technical expertise, Liphatech, Inc. announces the expansion of John Murphy’s role to include various technical manager duties along with continued support for his current customer base in the northeast and …

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Aegis Product Guide

Aegis® bait stations blend speed, quality and performance. Specifics on the Aegis-RP, Aegis-RP Anchor, Aegis Modular, Aegis Rat and Aegis Mouse.


Products at a Glance

Featuring our comprehensive line of rodenticides, Aegis® bait stations and SoftSecure™ Technology.


Aegis-RP Gray Info Sheet

Aegis®-RP Gray Bait Station-advanced rodent control technology in an industrial-friendly design. Inconspicuous for humans, attractive to rodents.


Bait Station Location is a Key to Success Tech Bulletin

Bait station placement impacts the overall effectiveness of a rodent control program. Here are some things to consider when choosing where to locate bait stations.


Choosing the Right Bait Station to Fit Specific Needs Tech Bulletin

Tamper resistance, cost and time savings all play an important role in the bait station selection process. Here are some key things to consider in choosing the best station for each application.

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