IGI Carbon Dioxide (IGI CO₂) is approved for the treatment of agricultural commodities against a wide variety of pests. IGI CO₂ is registered by the EPA and can be used in organic post-harvest applications. It is not an organic gas, but it is certified for use post-crop harvest to fumigate the producer’s crops. Fumigation with IGI CO₂ leaves nothing behind after proper venting, nor does it affect the taste of fumigated product. The active ingredient in IGI is 99.9% CO₂. It is non-flammable, invisible and odorless.

Certified for
Organic Use
With certification for use in pest management programs under the USDA National Organic Program, IGI CO₂ can be used in municipal, residential, commercial and field settings, including:
- Silos
- Storages
- Trucks
- Trailers
- Sealed railroad cars
- Cargo ships
Did You Know?
CO₂ must be registered by the EPA to be used as a fumigation pesticide. The use of CO₂ as a pesticide is consistent with the protocols and ideologies of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and can be considered as a sustainable pest control strategy.

Fumigation Time
With IGI CO₂, treatment hold times vary from 24 hours to 4 days. Use a 2-day treatment for killing adult insects and a 4-day treatment for killing all life stages of insects.
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Improved Methods for Holding CO2
With technological advances in fumigation equipment allowing for a more reliable seal, fumigation with IGI CO₂ is effective. Liphatech’s technical team can help assess your sealing capabilities and make recommendations for techniques or products that can help you attain a proper “gas tight” seal before treatment commences.

Targeted Insects
Fumigation with IGI CO₂ is effective against a wide variety of targeted pests. These pests include 30 species of beetles most commonly found in commodities storage; multiple moth species; Psocoptera, including the book louse; and agricultural pests, including thrips and spider mites.
Click below for the complete list of labeled pests and any restrictions.
Where is IGI CO2 Registered for Fumigation?
Available throughout the country, IGI CO₂ is easy to order and receive. There is no need to worry about any logistical challenges or long drives to get the product – IGI CO₂ can be delivered right to your business! Contact your Liphatech Technical & Sales Manager for more information.
The Best Approach is a Responsible One
Along with our industry-responsible partner and fumigation expert, Cardinal Professional Products, our highly experienced technical team forms an alliance with all parties involved in the fumigation process to ensure proper and comprehensive training is conducted and that safety and stewardship protocols are strictly implemented. Fumigation with IGI CO₂ is a very “hands-on” joint effort for the purpose of eliciting the best results for customers and their products.