My child touched a pouch of bait. What should I do?
My dog/cat had a pouch of bait in its mouth. What should I do?
What is Liphatech's background?
What makes Liphatech, Inc. different from the other rodent control companies?
What can Liphatech offer to make my technicians, sales people, PCAs or PMPs better?
Why is Liphatech's basic research so important?
How do I know if rodents are causing a problem in my facilities?
How can I get a handle on the extent of an infestation?
What are the basic steps for implementing a rodent control program?
What if my situation is more complicated?
How do I compare different rodenticide manufacturers?
Why is proper baiting so important?
When choosing bait, what other factors should I consider?
Why is palatability so important?
How are first-generation products different than second-generation products?
Could you tell me about soft bait rodenticides?